Thursday, October 7, 2010

Army Life as I see it

I am married to a soldier, I did not set out to marry one, though I always thought uniforms were pretty impressive I was not a girl who set out to marry a man in uniform.  I am a pretty home and family oriented girl who loves stability and security, wanted to settle down in one place and stay there (that did not happen even before I married a soldier) so the fact that I married into the military is pretty surprising even to me, but as they say the heart wants what it wants and mine fell in love with a career soldier so my journey into military life began.
Along with being an Army wife I am also one of the leaders for my husbands companies FRG, I also did not set out to take on that assignment, I just happened to be at the meeting when they were saying they desperately needed volunteers and so another lady and myself found ourselves saying we would do it, a year later that has been quite an experience, I have learned a lot, made some great friends and gotten some valuable experience.
I adopted my first POW/MIA many years ago from a group that helps bring awareness of that situation, we each attempt to do whatever we can to make sure that all of our POW/MIA's are brought home, that their families are given the support and answers they so desperately deserve.  Mine is a KIA from the Vietnam era, born and raised in a small town in Colorado where his family still lives, I do not know them, he was a name that was assigned to me, but I feel a responsibility to him and a love for the person I think he was and for the job he did and a huge respect for him for paying the ultimate price for our freedom, his story will appear in later blogs.
My husband is reaching retirement time, he has served for 21 years so we are close to the end, he has developed some health issues that we have tied to his time in the Persian Gulf while serving in Desert Storm.
The whole purpose of this blog is to bring more awareness to Gulf war syndrome, to perhaps bring some support and comfort to my fellow Army wives, maybe to help other FRG's with ideas, and to track our journey as we get closer to military retirement, basically it is tracking the life of a Army wife, I hope you enjoy our journey.