Friday, March 11, 2011

Extra Mile

A few days ago at work I was called out to the front to help a unhappy passenger, when I walked out there stood a soldier in uniform, I always notice their rank patch, I think that just comes with living on a military facility, this soldier was a Lt Col, now I am not at all intimidated by rank, but I do have a huge respect for it, you don't get that high up without some really hard work.
Anyhow he was livid, and just kept yelling, every time I tried to say something to him he would yell louder, he kept saying he wanted a manager and I kept telling him I was the manager on duty, it went on for a few minutes until I literally looked him square in the eye and told him he needed to cease speaking and listen to me NOW.  With his rank also comes the fact that he is most likely not used to being challenged so I think the shock of it was enough to calm him down so I could find out what the problem was.  I finally got the story as to why he was upset and could even sympathize with him.  I ended up staying late at work to try and get his issues resolved (thus missing a meeting with our own Lt Col, but it worked out fine) and being able to see his attitude go from I am upset and never want to use your company again to thank you for going out of  your way to help me and being told I should be made president ( a job I respectfully declined, that is one job I would NOT want lol).  The next day I called him just to verify everything had turned out to his satisfaction and then this morning got up and drove to work on my own time to ensure his return trip went well, I am glad I did that since he had some trouble this morning and arrived late and would not have made it had I not already checked him in and been waiting for him, for this I got a hug and another thank you so much, very rewarding to know I helped someone have a better experience and was able to turn a negative into a positive, it is those times that make going the extra mile worth it.