Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Military celebrities

Sometimes being married to a military spouse is like being married to a celebrity, I do not notice it as much now that we live on a major Army Post, but when my husband was station commander of a small town recruiting station and he along with his one helper where literally the only Army in town, or when we travel now and he is uniform I see it again.  I imagine it is the same in areas where National guard units have been activated, or anywhere that you do not see military on a daily basis.
People stop and stare, many will stop and shake his hand, want a picture taken with him or just want to say thank you. I love that he always stops talks to them, and answers their thank yous with the same thing... your welcome I am just doing my job.
We used to get our lunch paid for all over the place by grateful anonymous people, he says he has never paid for coffee in the airport, and we have several thoughtful gifts that people have given him.  He had a cute young admirer when we were in Colorado, this young boy (maybe 15 or 16) was mentally challenged, he worked as a bag boy at a local grocery store and anytime my husband would walk in this boy would follow him all over the store, he never said anything he would just watch him, then one day he stopped looked at my husband and saluted him, I will forget how proud I was of my husband as he stopped looked the boy right in the eye and saluted him back, or the look of absolute happiness on the boys face.  I am so grateful for the support people show to my husband and our military, even if it means we get our dinner interrupted while someone we do not know wants to stop and say thank you or if we have to stop numerous times as we walk through an airport to shake someones hand.  Those moments counter act the bad ones, and as a military spouse unfortunately we see them as well.  His government phone used to ring at the same time every week with someone trying to entice him to come down town under the pretense that there were possible recruits he should come talk to, instead it was some locals who did a weekly protest of the war and the military, they would try to get him down there and then yell nasty slurs at him and try to get him to react to them, as he says he's got some pretty tough skin and he did not let it bother him, but it bothered me, he has sacrificed so much to allow these people the rights to feel however they want and they repay him by saying such ugly things to him, it broke my heart.
He had several parents act as if he was going to come steal their children right from their beds and send them off to the Army, and they had no problems telling him how they thought their kids were above military service.  And the worst was the elementary school principle who would not allow him to speak to the children, he had gone with me at the request of one of the teachers (who had asked me to bring a Veterans out to talk to the kids on Veterans Day) the vet I had asked fell of a roof and was unable to go, my husband (who at the time was just my friend) stepped in and agreed to go, when we got there and they found out he was a recruiter he was not allowed to speak, they had him lead the kids in the pledge of allegiance but he could not say anything else, he said had it not been for the kids he would have walked out, but instead he lead them in the pledge dressed in his blues with all his ribbons on looking just like the real life hero he is.


  1. I agree the military does a lot and we owe them respect and thanks. The principal was stupid and uninformed. Some people just are. It is sad that it is that way with too many things in this country. They hear something on the news, they never actually research it, they just form an opinion from someone else's, and that is what they believe from then on. It is really too bad.
