Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Molly Pitcher

Last week we attended our second Saint Barbara's Ball, if you do not know (and I did not last year) Saint Barbara is the saint of the field artillery Legend of Saint Barbara.  There are many traditions that come with attending a military ball, I find them all to be interesting and always enjoy attending.  This year our guest speaker was a 2star General, he gave an excellent speech one of the best I have heard at this type of event.  During the ball military members are inducted into the order of Saint Barbara, they receive a medal and participate in a ceremony.  Afterwards some of the wives in the Battalion receive the Molly Pitcher award Story of Molly Pitcher, I was honored this year to be among the wives who received this award, it was really a wonderful surprise to hear I had been chosen.
I have not gotten my other computer up and running to put my pictures from that night in but I was able to "borrow" some from a friend.
Here you can see us getting ready to receive our medals,they are handed out to us by the LT Col and his wife who put them around our necks and them our husbands clasp them on.

This was the beginning of the ball with a few of the other wives, the two on either side of me also received the award this year.a look at what the tables looked like all set up, they did a nice job with the decotations this year.

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